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USB In-Line Field Calibratable Signal Conditioner
- High Speed USB Output Option for mV Transducers
- Up to 1000 Readings/Second
- Free Downloadable Software
- Ready-Made Cable Assemblies Now Available!

L'aperçu du produit
- ADC Resolution 24 bit
- Approvals CE
- Bridge Resistance 350 to 15000 Ω
- Cable Length 2 m
- Diameter 22 mm
- Electrical Connection MIL-26482-I 10-6P, USB A
- Input Electrical Connection MIL-26482-I 10-6P
- Input Range 1 to 400 mV/V
- Input Type Voltage
- Isolation 2 MΩ @ 50 Vdc case to output terminations
- Length 101 mm
- Linearity Error 0.001%/°C
- Mating Connector PT06F10-6S
- Mounting Mounting Bracket
- Operating Temperature, Max 80 °C
- Operating Temperature, Min -40 °C
- Resolution Up to 5.5
- Sensor Excitation 4.1 Vdc
- Weight 200 g
- Zero/Balance Error 0.001%/°C
The IN-USBH field calibratable In-Line Signal Conditioner adds digital USB output to mV/V pressure or load transducers. Free downloadable OMEGA PC software takes the data from the transducer directly to the digital domain, turning your laptop or Windows® tablet (with USB connection) into a virtual meter, chart recorder, and data logger. Export logged data to spreadsheet format for later viewing/analysis. The PC-connected IN-USBH provides regulated excitation to the transducer so that no external power supply is used. Sampling rates are adjustable up to 1000 Hz for dynamic or slow moving applications. Mounting bracket is included. Transducer interconnecting cable can be purchased separately. The IN-USBH is compatible with mV pressure and load sensors that meet the stated transducer requirements.
Have your Omega or other brand mV/V transducer calibrated with your IN-USBH signal conditioner at Omega’s state-of-the-art factory! Two options are available: Factory System Setup provides 2-point calibration at 0 and 100% Full Scale values. Factory System Calibration provides 5-point NIST Certified 0-50-100-50-0% of Full Scale value calibration points. Please note the cost of Factory System Setup or Factory System Calibration provides calibration in one direction only (either Compression or Tension for Load Cells, Positive or Negative Pressure for Pressure Transducers).
FREE OMEGA USBH Downloadable Software! OMEGA’s Digital Transducer Software allows you to view, chart and log your data from many Omega Digital transducers (pressure, load, torque, temperature, humidity), all in one place! The new IN-USBH In-Line Signal Conditioner extends USB output and software functionality to almost any mV/V sensor. This software is included FREE with your IN-USBH purchase.
Download your free copy today!
Resolution: Up to 5.5 significant figures
Minimum Isolation: 2 MΩ @ 50 Vdc case to output terminations
A to D Conversion: 24 bit
Thermal Error: 0.001% FSO/°C
Linearity Error: 0.001% FSO
Bandwidth: Up to 1000 updates per second typical (± 3%)
Weight (Typical): 200 g (7.1 oz) (in-line signal conditioner and USB cable)
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Connection, Transducer Side: PT1H-10-6P 6-pin twist-lock male connector
Connection, USB Side: 2 m (6') USB 2.0 cable
Bridge Sensitivity: 1 to 400 mV/V
Bridge Resistance: 350Ω to 15,000Ω
Excitation Voltage: 4.1 Vdc (Transducer must be able to function at specified voltage)
Have your Omega or other brand mV/V transducer calibrated with your IN-USBH signal conditioner at Omega’s state-of-the-art factory! Two options are available: Factory System Setup provides 2-point calibration at 0 and 100% Full Scale values. Factory System Calibration provides 5-point NIST Certified 0-50-100-50-0% of Full Scale value calibration points. Please note the cost of Factory System Setup or Factory System Calibration provides calibration in one direction only (either Compression or Tension for Load Cells, Positive or Negative Pressure for Pressure Transducers).
FREE OMEGA USBH Downloadable Software! OMEGA’s Digital Transducer Software allows you to view, chart and log your data from many Omega Digital transducers (pressure, load, torque, temperature, humidity), all in one place! The new IN-USBH In-Line Signal Conditioner extends USB output and software functionality to almost any mV/V sensor. This software is included FREE with your IN-USBH purchase.
Download your free copy today!
Resolution: Up to 5.5 significant figures
Minimum Isolation: 2 MΩ @ 50 Vdc case to output terminations
A to D Conversion: 24 bit
Thermal Error: 0.001% FSO/°C
Linearity Error: 0.001% FSO
Bandwidth: Up to 1000 updates per second typical (± 3%)
Weight (Typical): 200 g (7.1 oz) (in-line signal conditioner and USB cable)
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Connection, Transducer Side: PT1H-10-6P 6-pin twist-lock male connector
Connection, USB Side: 2 m (6') USB 2.0 cable
Bridge Sensitivity: 1 to 400 mV/V
Bridge Resistance: 350Ω to 15,000Ω
Excitation Voltage: 4.1 Vdc (Transducer must be able to function at specified voltage)
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In-USBH software displays an error of 'Saturation Alarm Low' while displaying the maximum specified force without any load. what could be the issue? we checked the connection and its ok. Thanks
This symptom usually indicates a damaged sensor. Measure the raw output signal from the load cell with no load applied. It should be close to 0 millivolts. A high millivolt signal would indicate a damage cell. Also recheck you wiring. You should have a connection between pins E & C and between F & D.
Date published: 2024-11-15
We have a LCDH-2K which is spec'd at 10V excitation. The IN-USBH only provides 4.1V excitation due to using the USB port. Will this be a problem or will we just lose sensitivity by using a lower excitation?
Running the LCHD-2K Load Cell on 4.1VDC would not be problem. The IN-USBH will scale correctly.
Date published: 2023-10-02
What are the differences between all of the "wiring codes" specified with the cables listed under Accessories?
Thank you for your question. Please see page 2 and 3 of the datasheet to see which cables will be used with specific units:
For further questions email
Date published: 2020-12-29
I would like to use the IN-USBH with the TQ513-200. Will the data output of the IN-USBH change sign (positive/negative) with a change in the direction of the force on the shaft of the TQ513-200?
Yes.The IN-USBH is capable of reading a birdirectional millivolt signal from a strain gage bridge based sensor. You scale it to read negative values using the software.
Date published: 2020-05-27
I want to be able to read the data from the LCHD-10K load cell with a pre-existing program. Is there a way to communicate with the IN-USBH or the free software to be able to read the live data into my program while the load cell is in use?
Yes. You can use the IN-USBH and free software to read load dated real-time on your computer.
Date published: 2022-01-31
Sorry if this is a newb question. Will the software and IN-USBH work with an LVDT like the LD620 series? I need position information logged with the force data off an existing IN-USBH/LCWD-5K load cell. I don't see LVDTs mentioned for compatibility.
Thank you for your inquiry, the IN-USBH is designed to work with mV\v sensors and is not compatible with the LD620.
Date published: 2022-06-02