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Thermocouple Probes with Hastelloy Tip for Plastic Extruders
Modèles en stock
- Sondes à un ou deux éléments sensibles
- Réalisation en alliage spécial Hastelloy
résistant aux fortes pressions et aux hautes températures
des machines à extruder le Téflon - Raccords rigides et flexibles
- Thermocouples type K, T, E et J
- Longueurs d'insertion: 0 (affleurant), 6, 13, 19 et 25mm
- Jusqu'à 510°C
Modèles en stock

L'aperçu du produit
- Connector Temperature, Max 220 °C
- Connector Temperature, Min 0 °C
- Electrical Connection Standard Male Thermocouple Connector
- Junction Type Grounded
- Probe Diameter 0.125 in
- Process Connection Size 1/2 in
- Process Connection Type UNF Male
- Process Temperature, Min 0 °C
- Sheath Material Hastelloy C-276
- Temperature Sensor Type Thermocouple
The TEX family of probes feature Hastelloy C-276 tips capable of withstanding the high temperatures and pressures of PFA extruders. Probes are available with single and dual element design. Thermocouple calibrations J, K, T and E are supported. Four styles of probes are offered. These include:
A variety of tip lengths and barrel lengths can be specified when ordering. Consult sales for custom barrel configuration.
View the Thermocouple Accuracy and Color Code charts
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