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Embases standards et miniatures pour perçage circulaire
Modèles en stock
- Le type standard accepte tous les connecteurs standards de l'industrie
- Le type miniature accepte tous les connecteurs miniatures de l'industrie
- Montage dans des perçages ronds de 16,0 mm ou en forme de “D”
- Plastron carré ou rond pour mieux s'adapter à vos panneaux
- Nylon chargé de verre pour usage intensif, jusqu'à 220°C
- Détrompeur de polarité
- Codes de couleur IEC et ANSI
- Aucune finition nécessaire
- Capots anti-poussière et écrous livrés sans supplément
- Accepte des fils pleins ou torsadés jusqu'au Ø 1,6mm
Modèles en stock

L'aperçu du produit
- Process Temperature, Max 180 °C
- Process Temperature, Min -20 °C
Facile à installer !Aucun outil spécial n'est nécessaire pour l'installation. Il suffit de percer un trou rond dans le panneau et de serrer l'écrou fourni avec l'embase. Ces modèles s'encastrent parfaitement dans des appareils existants. Des circuits de thermocouples peuvent ainsi être rapidement ajoutés sur des panneaux déjà en place avec le minimum d'interruption. Les embases sont disponibles avec des plastrons carrés ou ronds qui s'harmoniseront au mieux avec vos installations. Les alliages de qualité thermocouple utilisés pour les contacts préservent la précision des circuits même en cas de variation des températures ambiantes.
Les prix des modèles les plus courants sont donnés dans le tableau "Pour commander". Utilisez la table de "Construction d'une référence" ci-dessous pour obtenir le prix de tous les modèles disponibles.
Pour obtenir les caractéristiques complètes de ces produits, cliquez sur le lien au bas de cette page.
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Rated 5 out of
Turtle 1 from
Great Little Jack
High quality Jack, use them to interface monitors for product under test. Both for temperature cycling and thermal vacuum testing
Date published: 2017-04-07
Rated 5 out of
Purchasing Manager from
Great Product
We depend on these components to make and monitor our Glass, Oil, CNG, and Alloy burners.
They always show up in perfect working condition.
The only complaint I have is the lead time, to fulfill orders.
Date published: 2023-04-13
Rated 2 out of
Puffy from
wrong mounting hole spec
The connectors themselves were great, however the "mounts in 16mm hole" was completely wrong. Standard size mounts in 22mm, mini size mounts in 16mm. I knew better as I've ordered the standard size connecters many times, but thought they might have redesigned them so accordingly I specified the receiving panel with 16mm mounting holes. When the connectors arrived we had to drill out each location and I was rather aggravated. Great connector, just use a 22mm mounting hole.
Date published: 2023-03-01
Rated 5 out of
Daniel P from
Great connectors
Omega is our preferred supplier for thermocouples and thermocouple connectors. Always durable and precise.
Date published: 2022-03-31
Rated 5 out of
TMaxwell from
Materials Associate
Great products and pricing. Timely deliveries as well.
Date published: 2021-02-15
Rated 5 out of
D MACK from
Standard and Miniature Size Panel Jacks Mounts
Great product. WE Use a lot of these. Consistently good quality.
Date published: 2020-12-31
Rated 5 out of
Joseph from
Great quality at a great price
I have known about these sockets for several years and am reminded how great they are every time I reorder them.
Date published: 2018-02-18
What is the NEMA rating or IP rating of these panel mount receptacles?
Hi, thanks for connecting with Omega. The MH-RMJ-1 receptacles do not have ratings. Please email us at anytime, if you have any further questions. Thank you
Date published: 2019-05-31
Is there a 3D model available to download?
Thank you for your inquiry. We do not provide a 3D model for download. If you require a 2 dimensional drawing, please email request to
Date published: 2021-05-26
Do you have a recommended wire lug for connecting to this? Larger t/c extension wire is hard to land to these small screws.
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the RMJ are not constructed to be used with spade lugs. 24 AWG is the largest size that can be used.
Date published: 2024-01-17
Hello, To whom it may concern Part in question: RMJ-K-R Do you have a Cad file (SolidWorks Part drawing) for this part? Thanks
Thank you for your inquiry Pacua. We do not provide a 3D/CAD model for download. We only have a 2D drawing. Please refer to page 3 of this pdf for RMJ connector dimensions:
Date published: 2022-09-07